Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Next American Idol contestant

We've finally gotten Ben to sing some songs, more or less on his own. For quite awhile now he's been very good at completing the lyrics when we sing ("In the town where I was ... " "born!"), but he has been hesitant to sing more than a few words at a time on his own. Here are some samples of his recent work:

"I'm a Little Teapot"

  • I start: I'm a little teapot short and ...
  • Ben chimes in: stouthereismyhandlehereismyspoutwhenuppourmeout.


  • Neil: There was a farmer had a dog and ...
  • Ben: Bingowashisnameb-i-n-g-o-b-i-n-g-o-b-n-gbingoname

"Ob-la-di Ob-la-da"

  • Neil: Desmond has a barrow in the ...
  • Ben: marketplacemollysingband

He doesn't actually "sing" in the sense of carrying a tune, or even attempting to do so. (He doesn't have that kind of voice control yet.) It's more like a verbal sprint to the finish line, or how one might recite the Gettysburg Address while being chased by wolves -- the emphasis is on speed rather than oratorical niceties.


Madeline said...

Do you know anyone who has attempted to recite the Gettysburg Address while being chased by wolves?? Just wondering...;)

Julia said...

Not that I know of. Perhaps their survival rate is low and they are under represented in the general population.

leah said...

That is hilarious- I can see into his future (upon entering kindergarten):

Teacher: Hi Ben! How are you?

Ben: Iamfabuloushowaboutyourself?

Julia, how do you write his goals since he is ahead with expressive/receptive? We have to write Nolan's new goals (six month review) and he's ahead of his age range, too (expressively, anyway). I'm not sure what we'll put down since he is ahead of the game.

fethiye said...

Do you think he is ready for some Turkish CDs? ;)

PolyglotMom said...

You really have a very special little guy! That's so great!

rouchi6 said...

that is a good beginning, he will fill in the words later as you sing these more often and will start following the tune soon after. Prisha has done it and sings her songs well.good luck American idol in the making!!