Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some video....

Here are a couple of great videos of Ben.  The first one is older, from late June.  There's a little subterfuge at the beginning; Ben tends to clam up when he knows we have the video camera rolling, so Neil quietly turned it on without telling him, and then disavowed all knowledge of this later, leading to some confusion on Ben's part as to when the movie actually starts.

The second one was taken by my cousin Madeline during our recent family reunion in Ohio.  She and her sister Alicia taught Ben this little song.  Another highlight of the trip was when Alicia played Beatles songs on her guitar by the campfire, and Ben sang along.


Melanie said...

WOW! He is just too cute and what a great little singer he is. Impressive as always. :)

leah said...

Could he be any cuter? I love the Macaroni Pony song - we'll have to teach that one to Nolan. Nolan just started singing in earnest, so we're really encouraging it!

When does preschool begin for Ben?

Yanti said...

SOOooo cute!Impressive singing and such great language for a not quite 3 year old.